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black midi - Hellfire (2022)


reviewed july 21st

black midi leave post-punk behind, and in the process, create one of the most interesting and exciting albums of the last decade. Very few moments go to waste throughout this project, and the band weaves jazz, rock, and theatrics together to a powerful end. The loose story is really interesting and the band's interpretation of Hell, criminality, and evil are compelling.

My favourite tracks: Sugar/Tzu, Welcome to Hell, Dangerous Liasons, 27 Questions

Unwound - Repetition (1996)


reviewed july 27th

Unwound refined their instrumentation and production with this album, and it results in their best album to this point. The recording is a lot clearer and not as muddy than their previous albums, and the vocals are a lot more present (although they still could be louder!), which goes a long way. The performances are great. I love the interplay between the band. Justin Trosper's lyrics are enigmatic and compelling. Every song deserves its being in the album, and while it drags on towards the end, it gets great again with For Your Entertainment. They're no Fugazi, but this album heavily elevates Unwound's position in my head-canon.

My favourite tracks: Corpse Pose, Sensible, For Your Entertainment

Fugazi - The Argument


reviewed july 28th

Fugazi's magnum opus, and the album that best defines the post-hardcore genre. The Argument, moreso than any of the band's material, transcends genres, and serves as a singificant evolutionary step for the band's unique mix. The music is as rhythmic as ever, and there's a beautiful atmosphere present for every song. Despite being veterans of the DC scene (minor threat's debut was 20 years old at this point!), they still have something to say; the political and social messages are as present as ever. Every song is just incredible. AMAZING! I love this album, it's just perfect; now I can only hope that someday the band will reconvene!

My favourite tracks: Cashout, The Kill, Strangelight, Argument

Death Grips - The Money Store


reviewed july 29th

A full frontal assault in musica that serves as a landmark of the experimental hip-hop genre. Death Grips are a unique act; nobody does it like they do, and after crashing into the alternative music scene with Exmilitary, the band are able to disseminate their ethos to the fullest extent thus far on this project. The beats are frenetic and powerful, perfectly fitting MC Ride's yelpy vocals. The lyrical topics, assuming you can understand them, are just as odd as you'd expect, contributing to the primal atmosphere Death Grips present on this album. Some incredible ideas presented make this one of the best albums of the 2010s, if not of all time.

My favourite tracks: The Fever (Aye Aye), Hustle Bones, I've Seen Footage, Hacker